About Collision & Crime Forensic Solutions
Mike Selves:
As the President of CFS, I have over 22 years of investigating and reconstructing traffic collisions. I am accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Reconstruction (ACTAR, the premier Traffic Reconstruction Commission in the United States) and the Professional Society of Forensic Mapping (PSFM). I have trained numerous law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and Canada. I have been designated an expert by the American judicial system, in civil or criminal cases of which I was involved. CFS has three sectors–Midwest (out of Omaha, Nebraska); West (out of Vallejo, California) and East (out of Hampton, New Hampshire). Each sector of CFS is composed exclusively of prior and current law enforcement personnel, ensuring the highest quality of training. All of our certified training for Forensic Mapping and Reconstruction is also ACTAR Accredited.
In 1992, I founded Collision Forensic Solutions (CFS). Since that date, our company has trained law enforcement and government agencies throughout the United States. There are many challenges presented to individuals and agencies involved in traffic and crime reconstruction, and I believe those challenges require quality, “user-friendly” equipment, combined with only the highest quality of training. Since 2002, when I retired full-time from the South Dakota Highway Patrol, I have been dedicated to providing those officials responsible for accident and crime scene investigation the highest quality hardware, software, and certified training. Whereas some pieces of this total package can be obtained individually, the various systems do not always interface in a “user-friendly” manner. This creates problems for the individuals who attempts to use the system. My company is dedicated to building the total solution (hardware, software, and certified training) which will eliminate those interoperability issues.
Meet Our Team

Mike Selves is a retired certified law enforcement officer in the State of South Dakota. Mike has over twenty years of law enforcement experience, most formally with the South Dakota Highway Patrol.
Mike has an extensive background in the field of crash investigation as well as reconstruction work. He has over twenty years experience as a Certified Crash Reconstruction Specialist, and is also certified by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR #1286),with Full Accreditation as a Traffic Accident Reconstructionist. The courts recognize him as an expert witness in both criminal and civil cases, and he has investigated numerous crashes throughout his career.
Mike is also a member of the National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists (NAPARS), Midwest Association of Technical Investigators (MATAI), National Association of Traffic Accident Reconstructionists and Investigators (NATARI), and the Professional Society of Forensic Mapping.
Mike is a certified instructor in Leica Map360, Evidence Recorder Collection Software, Forensic Mapping, CAD Software, and Crash Investigation Courses. Mike also owns and operates Collision Forensic Solutions, LLC.

WILLIAM HENNINGSEN| Head of Leica HDS Sales Manager / US
William Henningsen has been with the Omaha Police Department’s Forensic Investigations Unit (FIS) since 1996. He has been involved in training and consulting with Collision Forensic Solutions (CFS) since 2015. He is currently certified as a Forensic Video Technician by the Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association (LEVA). William is certified by Leica Geosystems as a Forensic Laser Scanner and has been previously certified as a Crime Scene Analyst by the International Association for Identification (IAI). He serves as a board member of the International Association of Forensic and Security Metrology (IAFSM) and has been a member of that organization since its founding. William is also a member of the Professional Society of Forensic Mapping (PSFM).
William has been actively engaged in Forensic Mapping of crime scenes for more than 18 years with a diverse array of equipment. William led his agency in the progression of forensic mapping from pencil and paper to Total Station survey to 3D laser scanning. He has planned and overseen the implementation of 3D laser scanning of crime scenes at his agency – the first of its kind in Nebraska. As the Manager / Director of the Omaha Police Department’s FIS, William supervises a team of certified Crime Scene Investigators and Forensic Analysts at the largest police agency in the state of Nebraska. In 2017, William led the Omaha Police Department to accreditation under the ISO 17020 standard in Crime Scene Investigation to include Forensic Mapping and Latent Print Examination. William continues to advise outside agencies and private forensic services on how to incorporate best practices in Forensic Mapping and achieve ISO 17020 accreditation. To date, he has been involved in the mapping and processing of 3D laser scan data from over 300 major crime scenes. His testimony as an expert in the field of 3D laser scanning and data analysis has been accepted in the 4th Judicial District of Nebraska.
BYRON CHARBRONNEAU | Head of Leica HDS Sales Manager / CANADA
Photo and Bio to come.

JAMIE SELVES | Leica Sales Representative/ Certified Instructor
Jamie Selves has earned her certification from MicoSurvey Software Inc. (Leica Geosystems) as an Incident Mapping Suite Trainer. She works for Collision Forensic Solutions, L.L.C. as well as MicroSurvey Software Inc. as a Forensic Mapping Instructor.
As an independent Forensics Mapping Instructor, Jamie’s instruction in the forensic mapping field has been vital for numerous local and state law enforcement agencies across the United States. Traveling across the country, she provides students with the resources and explanations to excel in the forensic mapping field. Her expertise aids students in both crime scene and crash reconstruction. Upon completion of any training, Jamie enables her students to feel proficient and
confident in their work as Jamie provides 24-hour technical support on a range of topics such as Leica Map360, Total Station and Evidence Recorder.
Jamie is a former Information Systems Analyst with the United States Army at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Her knowledge on tactical IT networking and physical dedication as a paratrooper awarded her several medals, ribbons and badges. Amongst awarded, the Iraq Campaign Medal with Arrowhead.
Jamie’s studies have earned her an Associate of Applied Science with a concentration in Photography from the International Academy of Art and Design in Tampa, Florida. Jamie is currently working on obtaining her Forensic Photography and Imaging Certification from the International Association for Identification.
JOSEPH WASKO | Leica Sales Representative/ Certified Instructor
Joseph Wasko is a retired certified state law enforcement officer from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Joseph has served the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with over twenty-five years of service with the Pennsylvania State Police, retiring at the rank of Master Trooper in February 2020.
Joseph has an extensive background in the field of collision investigation, with a specialty in the field of collision reconstruction. He has over seven years’ experience as a member of the Pennsylvania State Police – Collision Analysis & Reconstruction Specialists Unit and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR). He has investigated and reconstructed numerous collisions throughout his career with the Pennsylvania State Police. Joseph has also Co-Instructed / Guest Lectured for On-Scene Collision Investigation – Level II, Technical Collision Investigation, Collision Reconstruction, the annual Pennsylvania State Police – Troop P Citizen’s Police Academy, and numerous high school / college career fairs. He has been qualified as an expert within the field of reconstruction and forensic mapping for criminal prosecutions and civil depositions within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Joseph is certified as a Bosch Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) software Technician & Analysis and Applications operator. He is a certified National Child Passenger Safety Technician with SafeKids Worldwide: National Child Passenger Safety Certification and a certified Inspection Mechanic with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Department of Transportation. Joseph is a member of the Pennsylvania Collision Analysis & Reconstruction Society (PCARS), the National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists (NAPARS), the National Association of Traffic Accident Reconstructionists & Investigators (NATARI), the International Network of Collision Reconstructionists (INCR) and the Event Data Recorder for Collision Reconstruction (CDR Tool Group).
Joseph joined the Collision & Crime Forensic Solutions family in April 2020 and is the U.S. East Region Public Safety Forensic Consultant. He is a certified instructor in Leica Total Stations, Leica MAP360 Incident Mapping Suite & IMS MAP360 Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, MicroSurvey Evidence Recorder software, Leica GNSS RTK Smart Antenna Rover systems, Leica Captivate & Infinity software, Leica High-Definition Scanning (HDS) – 3D Reality Capture Solutions systems (RTC360, BLK360 & BLK2GO) and FIELD360 App, REGEISTER360 & TruView – 3D Point Cloud Processing software. Joseph has vast experience in utilizing Leica Total Stations, MicroSurvey Evidence Recorder software, MAP360 software, Leica RTC360 3D Reality Capture Solutions system, FIELD360, REGISTER360 and TruView software.
TODD PETRICK | Leica Sales Representative/ Certified Instructor
Todd Petrick began his employment with the Omaha Police Department in January of 1997. He is currently working as the Quality Assurance Supervisor of the Forensic Investigations Section. In 2017 Todd was one of the individuals that was critically involved in guiding the Forensic Investigations Unit through obtaining Accreditation. His primary responsibility is ensuring that ANAB/ISO 17020 accreditation for the Forensic Investigations Unit is maintained. The Omaha Police Department Forensic Investigations scope of accreditation encompasses Crime Scene Investigation (to include Forensic Mapping) and Latent Print Examination.
During his time at the Omaha Police Department Todd has received extensive training in photography, digital imaging, forensic video, crime scene processing, crime scene mapping, and latent print comparison. He is certified as a Crime Scene Analyst by the International Association for Identification, holds a Basic Laser Scanner Certificate by the International Associan of Scientific and Security Metrology, and is a Forensic Video Technician by the Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association. Todd has been acting as a trainer and consultant with Collision & Crime Forensic Solutions since 2016. During his time with CFS he has instructed numerous agencies in the use of equipment and software to improve Collision and Crime scene mapping.

NICK PRESCOTT | Crash Reconstructionist Consultant / Certified Instructor
Nick was raised in Omaha, NE and upon graduating high school he attended college at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. While in college Nick was on the Nebraska-Omaha football team and was a member of the all-conference team. Nick graduated cum laude with a degree in criminal justice and was hired by the Omaha Police Department.
Nick is a retired police officer with over 22 years of law enforcement experience. He was a police officer for the Omaha, Nebraska Police Department. The last 19 years with the Omaha Police Department, Nick dedicated himself to the field of crash investigations.
Nick achieved the level of crash reconstructionist in 2007 from the University of North Florida’s Institute of Police Technology and Management. He was accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction, (ACTAR #1888) in 2007. Nick is currently certified to image and analyze vehicle crash data recorders (black boxes).
Nick is a certified instructor for the Technical, Advanced, and Reconstruction levels of crash investigation courses offered by Collision Forensic Solutions.
Nick has been a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) since 2014 and also a field sobriety and DRE instructor for the Omaha Police Department.
Nick is currently a member of the Midwest Association of Technical Accident Investigators (MATAI). Nick is employed by Collision Forensic Solutions, LLC at the Omaha office.

JOEL SALINAS | Certified Instructor / Consultant
Joel Salinas, ACTAR, has over 33 years of experience investigating and reconstructing traffic collisions. He is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction, (ACTAR # 1569). He is a retired Police Lieutenant and worked for the California Highway Patrol from 1984 to 1988. From 1988 to 2012, he worked for the Vallejo Police Department in Northern California. As the department’s leading reconstructionist, he investigated and supervised the investigation of over 1000 traffic collisions.
Joel has extensive training in the field of collision reconstruction, forensic mapping, 3D laser scanning and has a FAA Remote Pilot Certification. He has testified as an expert in Traffic Accident Reconstruction and Forensic Mapping in both criminal and civil cases. He has produced laser scan data and computer animations, which both have been accepted in court. He is a Certified Instructor for ARAS 360, Cad Zone, IMS / MapScenes, and Visual Statement software.
Joel has provided Forensic Mapping and Laser Scanning training to numerous law enforcement agencies in North America and overseas. Some of the agencies he has trained include the following; The Colombian Army, Ecuador National Police, Crime Labs in India and Indonesia, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Illinois State Police, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Florida Highway Patrol, Omaha Crime Lab, and the South Dakota Highway Patrol. He is fluent in Spanish.
Joel has a consulting business where he provides Forensic Mapping, Laser Scanning, UAS (Drone) Mapping, Collision Reconstruction and Training services.
Joel is a member of the California Association of Reconstruction Specialists (CAARS) and the National Society of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists (NAPARS). He is also a member of the Professional Society of Forensic Mapping (PSFM) and an approved PSFM Instructor.
Joel co-aut

KRISTI SMITH | Office Manager
Kristi joined the Collision Forensic Solutions office in January of 2021 as the Office Manager. It’s Kristi’s friendly voice you’ll hear on the other end of the phone when calling the CFS office. Kristi aids CFS partners by organizing software/hardware renewals for the Leica Customer Care Package (CCP) and provides quotes and invoices for those renewals. In addition to her Office Manager duties, Kristi prepares manuals for CFS trainings and assists the instructors with all training-related needs. She also helps organize materials for national conferences CFS attends throughout the year as a sponsor or vendor and “holds down the fort” at the office during those conferences. Kristi enjoys assisting and working with the Public Safety community with their CFS forensic needs.